Weekly Updates

C&C-Ocean Safety
Portal Access

Schedule Counseling Appointment
*Please click the counselor's name to request an appt. This is for schedule changes only. Please email your counselor for any other inquiries.
Freshman Academy (Please see him in his office to make an appt)
Academy of Arts and Business
Academy of Medical Services and Culinary Arts
Academy of Innovation & Academy of Navigators
Your child must return a ‘parent signed’ Technology Responsible Use Form and Student Publication/ Audio/Video Release Form (TRUF).
WITHOUT Parent signed TRUF (FORM) your child will NOT be allowed to go on our school network, use our devices (chrome-book, computer, i-pad, etc) and have a knights gmail account. Without the form, the email will be suspended and access to our network will be taken away. >>> TRUF FORM
WITHOUT Parent signed STUDENT PUBLICATION FORM your child can not participate online in any Google Meets and your child’s name can not be on the Honor Roll/ Perfect Attendance or listed in the Graduation pamphlet or in the school newspaper/Newsletter/e-bulletin; NO picture in the yearbook or for school activities; NO congratulations for scholarships/honors/ recognitions; etc.
​March 26
Kuhio Day Holiday
March 28
Schedule Change - C Day
March 28
Senior Song Practice, 7:30 AM, Gym

Hawaii Department of Education
Website: www.hawaiipublicschools.org
Twitter: @HIDOE808
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HIDOE808
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletters
The Department's primary
publication featuring
successes across our
public schools.
45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive
Kaneohe, HI 96744
​Tel: 808-305-0700
​Fax: 808-233-5623
What to talk to a Nurse?
Don't have a doctor?
Call the FREE and confidential health hotline.
• Physical or mental health concerns about your child?
• Questions about a check-up or vaccines?
• Worried about COVID-19?
Castle High School has added a Hawaii Keiki advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) to our school health room to work with the School Health Assistant. Our APRN is located in the health room on campus. Please fill out the student consent form and return them to the front office.
Annual Notification of Privacy Rights: Know your privacy rights as they apply to 1) student record information; 2) directory information; 3) surveys and other information collection; and 4) military recruitment information. For more information on your privacy rights, the laws that protect them, and how to exercise your rights, contact your school administrator or visit http://bit.ly/FERPAHI.
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement: English or Other Languages
Request Form for Language Assistance: English or Other Languages
For questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school, you may contact Anna Tsang, Equity Specialist: Castle -Kahuku Complex, anna_tsang@notes.k12.hi.us, (808) 829-6981
© 2016 James B. Castle High School.