With a student body of 1,000, James B. Castle High School serves a socio-economically diverse community from suburban Kaneohe to rural Kualoa. The high school is the largest of four in the Windward District. The Castle Complex consists of Castle High School, King Intermediate School and eight elementary feeder schools (Kaneohe, Puohala, Kapunahala, Benjamin Parker, Heeia, Ahuimanu, Kahaluu and Waiahole). The Knight Pride of Castle is deeply ingrained in longtime Kaneohe residents. Clearly, Castle High School has a way of "keeping its people," as many alumni have returned here to teach, work, or volunteer.

By: H. F. Choy
Hail, Alma Mater,
Beneath the Pali lands.
Where Mauna nigh keeps vigil
Our Castle High School stands.
Thy colors wave forever,
Maroon, White and Gold.
As loyal sons and daughters,
Thy name we shall uphold.
Ne'er failing though years go by,
We'll honor thee, CASTLE HIGH.
Who's Who at Castle?
Principal - Bernadette Tyrell
Freshman Academy Principal - Tyler Winsor
Academy of Arts & Business Principal - Chelsea Unger
Academy of Innovation Principal - Richard Pastor
Academy of Medical & Culinary Principal - Dona-Lei Yanagida
Athletic Director - Laynie Sueyasu
SASA (School Administrative Services Assistant) - Kealani Riturban
Accounting Clerk - Lianne Jumawan
Cafeteria Manager - Mike Nagasawa
PCNC (Parent-Community Networking) Coordinator - Kathy Martin
Registrar - Darcy Wakayama
Student Activities Coordinator - Renee Omori-Kudo
Freshman Academy - Chris Bisho
Academy of Arts & Business - Nelson Maeda
Academy of Innovation - Jordyn Yahata
Academy of Medical & Culinary - Summer Pasco-Cariaga
College and Career - Jordan Gross
Early College and Advanced Placement - Eric Takemoto