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Welcome to The Academy of Medical Services & Culinary Arts
Virtual Open House Recording
Virtual Open House Slide Deck
Ryan Micale
Academy Principal
Summer Cabo
Academy Counselor
Aaron Tsuha
Academy Lead
Culinary Pathway
The Academy of Medical Services & Culinary Arts students are culturally sensitive and empathetic public servants, who are college and career ready, driven to use their skills and certifications to seek solutions for the betterment of our community.
The Academy of Medical Services & Culinary Arts will provide all students with industry and curriculum standards in a problem-based learning environment. Teachers will provide service-learning opportunities, challenging students to utilize a growth mindset and their communication skills effectively.
If we monitor this…
95% Daily Attendance Rate
95% of students with zero referrals
100% of students are in dress code throughout the school day
No class A or B offenses (automatic referral to academy list)
Graduation Rate:
95% of Academy Seniors will graduate
100% promotion rate at every grade level
85% of students will pass with a C or better
100% of students will pass safety assessments (PE, Science, CTE)
Then students should be successful in this...
98% of students will stay in the Academy (retention/completers)
Academy Information
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