Academics > Infinite Campus > Infinite Campus: FAQ's
Infinite Campus: FAQ's
The following is meant to answer frequently asked questions about Infinite Campus:
I'm getting a password reset page. What should I do?
Please click on the file link below so that you can clear the reset password page and go forward into Infinite Campus. The reason you see that page is because it allows you to reset your password through your email in case you forget it. The file is the instructions on how to move forward from that page.
What is the address of the portal?
What is our District Name to use to access the Mobile App?
The Hawaii State DOE Schools all have the same District Name. It is Hawaii.
Are there directions for students to gain access information?
Yes, on the right side of this webpage is a direct link to the student activation directions file.
I forgot my password where should I go?
You may request a reset by sending an email to: info@knights.k12.hi.us
Please include the following information when requesting a reset:
• Student's First & Last Name
• Parent/Guardian's First & Last Name
I still have some questions who can I contact?
Please send inquiries and questions to: info@knights.k12.hi.us