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Community Engagement

Aloha! This page provides information to stakeholders about our school's finances and operations for Castle High School School via our Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan. Our School Community Council (SCC), made up of principals, teachers, staff, students, parents, and volunteer community members, helps to craft and approve these plans for the following school year. An election is held annually to set membership on the SCC. If you're interested in joining our SCC, please contact the principal. Learn more about School Community Councils on the Hawaii DOE website:

Community Meetings


At least twice per year, we will convene meetings for the broader community to provide input on our Academic Plan and Financial Plan.



SY 2023-2024 Documents


   • SY 2023-2024 Academic Plan


   • SY 2023-2024 Financial Plan


Schools publish an Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan each year to set the goals and priorities for student learning, programs and initiatives, aligned to statements of funding.

SY 2024-2025

Please click on Agenda and Minutes for past and future meetings.


Agenda and Minutes

SCC Agenda.jpg

School Community
Council Meetings

You can contact us at or through our PCNC (Kathy Martin) – 305-0762

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