Knightly News
Help the school save postage and paper! To receive future issues of the ‘Knightly News’ via e-mail send your email address, child(ren)’s name(s) and grade level(s) to martink@knights.k12.hi.us. You will be emailed a link to our CHS website to announce our newsletter’s most current ‘posting’.
Aloha Families and Friends of Castle,
We would like our students, parents, and families to have a great experience while at Castle High School. The Families and Friends of Castle (FFC) strives to assist in achieving a great experience through communication and awareness.
Are you interested in any of the following?
In meeting various representatives of the school like administration and advisors
In being able to ask questions about issues that concern you
In meeting other parents in your child’s grade level
In supporting your child’s grade level
In supporting the school by volunteering for an event, activity or project
In volunteering for Project Grad
What does FFC do for you?
It promotes a partnership among parents, school, and community
It provides a venue for parents to receive information about the school
It provides a forum for parents to ask questions and voice their opinions
It provides financial and volunteer support to the school
How can you help the FFC?
Donate to the FFC (Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization) Note: All funds are used to support Castle High School
Write a check payable to “Families and Friends of Castle”
Mail check to: Castle High School – Box 109; 45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive;
Kaneohe, HI 96744 -
Bring check or cash to an FFC meeting or event
Venmo @castleffc-44
Attend the monthly FFC meetings
We meet on the First Monday of each month
We meet at the Castle Library at 6:00-7:00pm, Board Meeting is 7:00-7:30pm
Volunteer for an FFC event or for your child’s grade level parent group
Contact the PCNC, Kathy Martin, for E-Bulletins or Knightly Newsletters for
information at martink@knights.k12.hi.us.
Become a Member: FFC Digital Membership Form
FFC Membership Form
For more Information, go to our FFC website
Contact us at castleffc@gmail.com or fill-out our Contact Form
Follow us on Facebook at Families and Friends of Castle High School
Mahalo for your support and we look forward to seeing you!
Natalie Gaspar, FFC Vice President