We look forward to the 2024 – 2025 school year being an awesome year for you. There are many activities that will happen in your Senior year and we hope that you take advantage of participating in these activities.
The biggest event in your Senior year will be your graduation ceremony. This will require your participation and support from your parents and ‘Ohana’. Students, please contact your grad level advisor. Parents, please attend our FFC monthly meetings to get updates on the Senior class or join the Class of 2025 Parent Support Team.
In anticipation of having a PG event, we need your help and we need it now. We are looking for parents, students, family members, community members, etc. to help us with this event. It takes almost a year of planning and coordination so now is the time to volunteer. FFC is coordinating an advisory group to help you get PG up-and-running again.
Please contact Kathy Martin martink@knights.k12.hi.us for FFC meeting dates and to volunteer for PG.
We also encourage parents/guardians, family and friends, alumni and any adults interested in supporting Project Grad to join our committee and attend our monthly meetings. Please contact the chair by phone or email for more details. Volunteers are needed for the fundraiser benefiting Project Grad held in December, so please come out, join us & help make this a night to remember.
Project Grad Chairs
Trina Miyashiro Kahala &
Mana Kahala
Phone Number: (808) 561-8715
Email: chs23projectgrad@yahoo.com
Families and Friends of Castle (FFC) Project Grad 2025 Participation Waiver